19758 Stevens Creek Blvd,
Cupertino, CA 95014
Located in the Market Place Shopping Center
(408) 446-4744
To place an order for any of our menu items, please call us at (408) 446-4744 or visit our store during our open business hours. We also have an online ordering site where you can place orders for cakes during or after store hours. We cannot take orders through email, voicemail, or social media. We unfortunately also do not ship any of our products at this time.
Otherwise, for all inquiries, including quotes for custom design cakes, please email us at cakes@lapatisserie.net*. For custom cake quotes, please be sure to include your serving size (though keep in mind our smallest cakes start at 10 servings), event date, a sample picture, as well as any other necessary details needed for your order. Please also note that sending an email for a cake inquiry does NOT confirm your order.
*To ensure a smooth communication process, please double check that the email is spelled correctly (it may be best to copy it directly from our website). Please also kindly keep in mind that, at times, our responses may be automatically filtered to your junk/spam box, so please be sure to check that during the waiting process.
Thank you for your support of our small business! We truly look forward to being apart of your special occasions.
Store Hours:
Monday: 8 AM – 4 PM
Tuesday-Saturday: 8 AM – 7 PM
Sunday: 9 AM – 5 PM
We kindly ask that all orders be picked up by 30 minutes to closing – thank you for your cooperation.